So I just want to do a quick post about this spring soccer season. We ended our season in the fall much earlier than we would have hoped to after not advancing to NCAA's, so we got back to work pretty soon after the end of our season in november. We had individual pracites as well as running and weights. Starting in January when we could officially start practices we have been lifting 2-3 times a week, doing speed and agility work 2 times a week, running fitness tests once a week, and practicing 5 days a week. Needless to say, its been a long time of waking up at 6:45 for practice. This spring we had 5 days or weekends we could play. We started off spring down in Texas at Texas A&M. We won one game and lost our second game down there. After that first weekend of games we had a long while till we got to play again. We played Westminister in the cold/rain/wind at thier field cause ours was covered in snow. We won that game and I actually got an assist. Our third day of games we were down in provo at the Byu tourney. We didn't do well at all and played like we were missing some of our important players in the middle, we were but it was no excuse for our poor play. We play our last game tonight and I'm ready to finish our spring off right! We havent' worked this hard. Ran that many fitness tests. Sweat that much. Bled that much. Yelled that much. been frustrated at things that much. TO NOT WIN OUR LAST GAME...and propel us into our fall season on the POSITIVE side of things we need to be on! Lets get em girls!