Wednesday, April 15, 2009

ODE to my DAD!

So my dad is turning 45 on the 18th and I wanted to write him a little thank you and tell him how much I love him and some of the things that stick out about him to me. 
HE is the BEST dad! 
He is MY dad...or that's what i would argue to people when I was little
YOu are so caring
You always come to my games!
You are an awesome bishop/mentor
You know how to make some bomb grilled cheese sandwiches.
You always make sure that we have fun on vacations
You are an awesome husband to mom
Your a great father
You are a good spanish class tutor
You are a great chiropractor
You are a decent golfer...haha...
You always know how to make me happy whether thats a new pair of cleats or a random phone call or text message!  
You are always pushing me to reach my full potential

You have been such an awesome Dad!  I'm really lucky to be apart of our family and I am glad to have you as my Dad!  Happy 45th Birthday!  Hope its a good one! YOur getting


The Dudley Bunch said...

ahhh....that is so are sucj a suck up!!

Lauren Nicole Dudley said...

yeahh i know!! i really need some new shoes haha...jk...its true! my dad is the best!