Friday, August 15, 2008

Two-a-days over!!

Wow...what a relief it is to know that we don't have any more two-a-days.  My body is a little tired and bruised and is ready for a break.  Last night we had a inter-squad scrimmage.  We play 10 v. 10 cause we have some team injuries.  The scrimmage went well.  First half finished 1-1 then we switched up the teams a bit and my team ended up winning the second half 2-0.  It was good to play for a good amount of time and to see how thing are working out with the new team.  So this morning I woke up to try and watch the U.S. v. Canada women's game to find out it was a lightning delay...back to sleep i went before our practice this morning.  We had a light practice cause we are imitating a game weekend where we have a game at night then a light practice the next day and ten another game the next afternoon.  But things are going well.  I'm off to our video session of our game from last night. 

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