Saturday, June 27, 2009

hikes, bears, bikes, parties, treats, chocolate, slurpees, oh CANADA!

I have been up in Canada with the family this past week and am sad to have to go back to salt lake to work.  The family all is just beggining to get here and I have to go home. :( its kinda sad!  But The time I have spent up here has been awesome!  I've hiked to the peak of VIMMY with my sister and Jessica and Amy!  That was a blast! We rode bikes the first 6km and then hiked up to what we thought we would never reach!  We saw three bears on the trail and some big tracks from a few.  We sang and yelled about the whole time to warn them we were coming.  We were on the top of a mountain that overlooked pretty much all of southern alberta and Glacier.  AMAZING!  it snowed on us on the top for a little bit.  Me and AMy also tried to do Akamina ridge earlier in the week but ended up getting to forum lake after hiking through snow and decided to stop cause there was too much snow on the ridge so we turned around and hiked down then back up to WALL lake!  Crazy.  I think I hiked about 45km in the two days we hiked!  ITs been awesome!  Chocolate, slurpees, and treats everyday!  Yeah I think I may have to go back on to a diet when i get back and loose about 5 but thats vacation for ya!  Anyways, more to come!  I"ll put photos up and more about the trip in a few days!  


Shannon said...

That all sounds like so much fun! We won't be able to make it this year, now I am really sad for us... and you cause you gotta go. Do you like the slurpees? I guess it is an acquired taste.

Lauren Nicole Dudley said...

Yes of course I love the slurpees! I think i gained about ten pounds with the slurpees, chocolate, brownies, and all the food grandma made us eat! haha